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You'll believe he can't fly! An ordinary Joe decides to become the world's first Native American superhero. More or less.


Starring Rodrick Pocowatchit, Sean Gestl and Sam Shea. Directors of Photography Kelcy Yadon and Matthew Rasico. Production Designer Megan Ballway. Assistant Director BJ Hatter. Written and Directed by Rodrick Pocowatchit.

The Incredible Brown NDN - Part 1

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Based in Wichita, KS, Team Rawdzilla is a group of movie-loving ultra fanatics who love movies so much they put themselves through Hell to get them made. Literally. Well, almost literally. If zombies are literally. 

Coming Soon
Apocalypse ... Then


A short film about a young man grappling with reality while in lockdown during a pandemic. Sound familiar?


Starring Sam Shea and Sean Gestl


With BJ Hatter and Lindsey Seidl


Production designer and make-up Megan Ballway


Conceived, Photographed, Edited and Directed by Rodrick Pocowatchit

Apocalypse ... Then

Apocalypse ... Then

Apocalypse ... Then

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Apocalypse ... Then


A short film about a young man grappling with reality while in lockdown during a pandemic. Sound familiar?


Starring Sam Shea and Sean Gestl


With BJ Hatter and Lindsey Seidl


Production designer and make-up Megan Ballway


Conceived, Photographed, Edited and Directed by Rodrick Pocowatchit

Apocalypse ... Then

Apocalypse ... Then

Apocalypse ... Then

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Red Hand 3 - John and Devid.jpeg

Three people -- a man with the power to heal, his interpreter (since he can’t speak) and a soldier to protect them, are sent from the future to rescue a tech genius who is pivotal in saving the Native American race.


They are helped by an eccentric, psychic artist who has foreseen them coming and has drawn comic books about the man he calls Red Hand, which have built a loyal fan base of believers ready and waiting.


But time is running out, the men only have 48 hours to accomplish their mission, and an evil officer has also been sent from the future to destroy them.


And that leaves the fate of all Native people hanging in the balance. Because as it turns out, the prophecy is real -- and the future must be rewritten.



'Red Hand'

'Red Hand'

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